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Advocacy in the New Frontier

12:30 PM Sep 07, 2005

Motivating supporters, raising funds and increasing awareness on your issue - do it right, and you have successfully harnessed the internet to your advantage. Do it poorly, and your message ends up in a junk mailbox between two emails about Viagra.

Several organizations have written about this topic, and we couldn't have said it better ourselves. For the beginners, there is a useful dictionary of online terms and guide to online advocacy.

Once you're ready to go with your campaign, you might want to scan through these email and list building tips. For help with fundraising, Network For Good has an impressive collection of resources.

To bridge the gap between spam and outreach, building an online community of supporters is vital. Blogging, message boards and listservs are cost-effective ways for nonprofits to do this. Interested in the minute details of how to define online community? Rheingold has an idea, and Unsworth has another.

Overall, the important question to ask about any campaign is, why should someone care about this? Once you've effectively answered this question (in two sentences or less!), you're on your way to creating a meaningful online campaign.

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WakhoarkNot — 07:20 PM May 14, 2009

Have a nice day. From


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