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Me Space – The Psychology of Web 2.0

12:34 PM May 22, 2007

* By Jeanette If you asked me why Web 2.0 is becoming so popular before reading Lakshmi Chaudhry’s article, Mirror, Mirror on the Web, I would have said something like, it let’s users shape media, campaigns and give voice to world affairs, etc. Now I would add that Web 2.0’s popularity allows people to assert their individuality, which is partially fueled by the idea that users believe they are special. For organizations, this lends insight to the experience some supporters are seeking when participating in Web 2.0 activities such as contests, blogs and user-generated websites. The article categorizes people born between 1970 and 2000 as “Generation Me”. Those in “Generation Me” are apparently narcissistic and idealize celebrity status. (And here I thought it was because I’m an Aries.) When I first read this article, I gave it the 80’s valley girl “whateverrrr”. With such an ugly portrait, denial sets in pretty fast. But then I pondered this fact: In the 1950’s, 12% of teenagers felt they “were important people”, compared to the late eighties where 80% of teenager agreed with this statement. Thinking back on my early school days, the idea of being “special” was ingrained by my teachers. Our generation was fed a ton of “I’m special” mantras, like the all time classic “Follow your dreams and you can do whatever you want (even become the president!)”. I’m Special – Why aren’t you? The book “Hello, I’m Special” explains that the need to be noticed is more important than having a real talent (i.e. Paris Hilton or the popular, but mostly stupid, You Tube videos). This is good new for organizations. You have the platforms for individuals to standout through your campaigns and membership. Get some ideas from these great user-generated campaigns. Also, if your organization doesn’t have the time or funds to launch such a project, think about engaging your supporters with existing campaigns. Treehugger The Bubble Project Care 2 Storycorps The “Generation Me” theory provides an interesting explanation as to what might be driving some of your supporters to take action. Regardless of the piety behind their motivations, Web 2.0’s interactive tools have the potential to unleash this powerful demand for self-expression. Use it!

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