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The Dark Side of Interactive Commercials

01:36 PM Jan 09, 2007

Here’s a thought provoking "what if" video that connects user generated content and interactive commercials with the massive consolidation of power in only seven years. "In the year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline. The Forth Estates fortunes have waned. What happened to the news? And What is EPIC?" Sound like futuristic fiction? The advertising industry and corporations such as Tivo are already developing technologies (digital TV) that will give broadcasters similar capabilities as the web. This will allow them to gain detailed consumer information through interactive commercials and purchases. Jessica Brown in Zmag waves a cautionary flag: "While all of this may make manufacturers and advertising executives very happy, it's raised eyebrows among civil liberties advocates and parent's groups. This is because interactive personalized commercials represent both a potential threat to viewer privacy, and an advertising medium which is profoundly more manipulative than anything we're used to currently." Interactive commercials also represent a new medium for culture jamming and tools for building a stronger progressive movement. What are your favorite interactive tools or commercials?

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