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The State of the Union: Doing Big Things

09:37 AM Jan 26, 2011

Last night, President Obama called on us to be more competitive, to face the new challenges of this generation with what America has always had in abundance: innovation, hard work and courage. Salsa Labs is proud to be one of many companies on the forefront of that innovation.

We're proud to employ over forty Americans across the country, serving the company and their community well. From Jason in Bloomington to Matt in San Francisco, from Jeanette in Missoula to Chris in Austin, they're our support engineers, our product managers, our outreach directors.

We're proud to take up the president's challenge and continue to lead the way in innovation, helping thousands of nonprofits, campaigns and other organizations to communicate with millions of people and raise funds for some of the most critical issues facing our world today.

President Obama reminded us that above all, "we do big things." Big things. In 2010 alone, Salsa users raised over $70 million. Large organizations, like the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and small organizations like Bright Beginnings, a local nonprofit in Washington that's helping homeless families across the district, are using Salsa to bring about the change we need. Bright Beginnings is using Salsa to bring more and more volunteers into their organization.

With our peerless clients, we're proud to say that we're doing big things.

Join us today. Let's go out there and do some big things.

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