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London Calling

03:12 PM Jan 11, 2011

Organizing knows no borders, so I was so excited to help the great folks over at the Trades Union Congress, i3 Strategies, and Netroots Nation organize the first Netroots UK conference!
(CAPTION: The international crowd, above, listens to the opening speeches at Netroots UK)

Bringing together hundreds of activists from all across the United Kingdom and around the world, we talked about organizing strategies for the coming year and how to empower social justice using effective, time-tested online strategies.

(CAPTION: Here, Clifford Singer shows how a humor-driven campaign helped fuel organizing efforts in the UK)

I was so honored to help out as a media trainer for it, helping to share best practices from the US on improving persuasive communication, whether on-camera or off-camera. I met a lot of fantastic organizers that I'll stay in touch with in the coming months as we look to ramp up online organizing and connect more members of the netroots around the world.
Progressives are organizing more and more online, and I and Salsa Labs are proud to be part of that movement.

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