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Sour Grapes

09:00 AM Feb 06, 2006

Hey, Texas A&M! Will you be filing suit against Bill Leavy?

The fraud yesterday was widely observed. Even by a few among the commentariat, notwithstanding the Disney properties' nauseating coronation ceremony.

Here's a halfhearted tie-in to Internet activism. But mostly, I just hope it tastes like ash in your mouth, Pittsburgh. You're a pretender on the throne, a trumped-up phony too small for your clothes, the George W. Bush of champions. The NFL looks as classy as Hamlet's mother this morning.

Bettis retired with, "It's official, like the referee's whistle." What an apt way to go.

Update: Here's a more legitimately topical (to this blog) ESPN poll on whether the officiating affected the game's outcome. The state-by-state mouse-over results are an interesting indicator -- largely what you'd expect, but a pretty fascinating use of technology to get an instant demographic picture. Note that Seattle star Shaun Alexander is from Alabama: compare its poll results to its neighbors.

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