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Blogging: Waste of Time or Affront to the Written Word?

02:00 PM Jan 23, 2006

If you've been weighing the pros and cons of joining the bleating, blogging herd (or trying to find a graceful way to step away from the one you so rashly started up), you might want to check Donor Power Blog's succinct evaluation of the reasons fer blogging and the reasons agin (as well as links to some kindred resources).

Let's see: "not that many people are reading blogs" ... "you're likely better off spending [time] in higher-return areas" ... "your blog is going to suck."

And this is a defense of the virtues of blogging.

Be ready when you go in, though, that while niche nonprofit blogs might start out as harmless amen corners, it's still a public park where opposing soapboxes might get set up to harangue the passing crowds -- or you. You can get yourself in trouble if you don't get it when sparks start to fly. That lumbering brontosaurus The Washington Post is discovering that fact to its continuing discredit with its ass-covering dance for in-over-her-head ombudsman Deborah Howell.

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