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E-xemplar Series (Shameless Self-Promotion Class): Wal-Mart Movie

12:30 AM Oct 17, 2005

We promised an example of someone making great use of DemocracyInAction's coding flexibility. This isn't only that. Brave New Films' web site for its flick Wal-Mart: The High Cost of a Low Price is as tightly designed a site as you'd ever want to see. And their villainous take on the Wal-Mart smiley might have you waking up in a sweat at night.

For their house party event, they're using our API to pass data from their own pages. This is something you've gotta do on your own -- it's not for everyone, but it's brilliant if you can program it.

House parties -- called "Distributed Events" in our system -- are a great way to supercharge your supporter list (no programming expertise required) by letting like-minded folk get in touch with each other outside the direct control of your organization. We went on about this in our most recent e-mail newsletter; Brave New Films is sure to see some kind of membership spike. Of course, it helps that MoveOn is slated to publicize this campaign to its list in a couple weeks.

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