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From the Kosniki: Give the Gift of a Friedman

05:47 PM Nov 27, 2006

If some charity actually offered this as their holiday gift card fundraiser -- I could get a faux-visa card or actual gift certificate of a Friedman like this -- I'd pony up for a few in an instant. I'm dead serious. First off, Atrios would pick it up, so it'd be all over the big blogs. In fact, this would be your chance to diary it yourself on kos and get yourself frontpaged. It's a born blogads hook, or you could just rely on word of mouth; either way, the buzz would give it a shot at quirky-sidebar coverage by CNN, MSNBC, or other big media scrounging for holiday frippery. And you might get sued by Visa or, even better, the Moustache himself. You cannot buy that kind of publicity. Tragically-conveniently, there's also every reason to think that it's a fundraiser/viral campaign you can repeat for at least two more years. I know some media watchdog or antiwar group out there wants to use this. Come on, people, it's almost December -- I need wiseacre gifts for all the nptech bloggers on my list! (Source: a little-noted kos diary.)

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